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来源:中华全国律师协会     日期:2016-06-07     作者:全国律协    阅读:1,982次














All China Lawyers Association
Statement on the South China Sea Arbitration Case Unilaterally Initiated by the Republic of the Philippines
The All China Lawyers Association (ACLA) hereby mak es the following solemn statement on the South China Sea arbitration case unilaterally initiated by the Republic of the Philippines:
1. ACLA firmly supports the stance of the Chinese Government on the South China Sea issue , and the positions clearly stated in the Position Paper of the Government of the People ' s Republic of China on the Matter of Jurisdiction in the South China Sea Arbitration Initiated by the Republic of the Philippines dated December 7, 2014. No country, organization or individual is in a position to deny China's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea.
2. T he Philippines unilaterally initiat ed the South China Sea arbitration , disregard ing the fact that the dispute s between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea are in essence about territor y and form an integral part of maritime delimitation, den ying the consensus of the two countries that they have chosen to settl e relevant disputes through bilateral negotiations, and denying the optional exceptions declaration China made in 2006 pursuant to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea ( UNCLOS ) . The Philippines' conduct violates relevant provisions of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC), abuse s the UNCLOS arbitration procedure s, and infringes upon China’s right to choose means of dispute settlement on its own will, and is thus illegal.
3. The Arbitral Tribunal established at the unilateral request of the Philippines , while having no jurisdiction over the arbitration case, has wantonly expanded and exceeded its power, and made serious mistakes in areas such as verification of facts and application of law. I ts conduct goes completely against the principles and purpose s of UNCLOS , erodes the integrity and authority of UNCLOS , r uns counter to international judicial justice, violates the spirit and goals of international rule of law on peaceful settlement of international disputes, and is by no means impartial.
4. China’s non-acceptance and non-recognition of and non-participation in the arbitration unilaterally initiated by the Philippines is a justifiable act aimed at defending state sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, upholding international rule of law, and protecting the authority and integrity of UNCLOS.



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