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    日期:2020-03-30     作者:倪富华(国际投资业务研究委员会、上海市嘉华律师事务所)


        近期美国一家律所向佛罗里达联邦地区法院提交了一份集体诉讼文书。大致内容为中国政府在处理coronavirus(病毒疫情)时存在negligence(忽视),所以将中国政府等一系列部门列为被告在美国进行起诉要求赔偿(下文简称为“涉疫集体诉讼”)。问题来了,中国政府管不管理得好疫情关美国什么事?作为律师,从法律层面看,原告起诉的依据是美国的 Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of 1976(1976年《外国主权豁免法》) 的1605(a)(2)和1605(a)(5)条。条款的主要内容为:在某些例外情况下,美国政府可对于他国政府的行为在美国进行司法管辖,也即主权豁免原则的例外。本文从这两个法条的判例法解释以及个人猜测的两个角度阐述了个人观点:可能美国律师的目的不是要胜诉而是要确定一个事实,即病毒爆发的过错在于中国政府。


         最近网上流传一篇美国佛罗里达州的起诉状,大致内容是由于中国政府在冠状病毒爆发中的错误,几个美国公民和公司起诉中国政府和相关机构要求赔偿。笔者在国内几乎没听到过我们国内有公民告美国政府的,美国股市几次熔断以后,我国股民股票亏的血本无归,股民的老婆找律师要离婚,股民也没有起诉美国政府要求损害赔偿。涉疫集体诉讼发生以后,笔者查了资料,发现美国公民起诉中国政府的案子特别多。最近的一个案子是2019年的Prince v. Gov't of the People's Republic of China, 2019 U.S. Dist. 案件。因为美国法院对于中国政府没有管辖权(即享有主权豁免)所以被DISMISS(驳回)了。后来又查了很多关于美国公民或者个人起诉中国政府的案件,虽然很多案件都以这个理由被DISMISS(驳回)了,但笔者还是惊讶于美国有法案可以把另一个国家在美国列为被告去接受审判。同时,笔者猜想弗罗里达的案子会不会对我们国家造成什么影响,毕竟这是一个富有政治色彩的案件。


        1.Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of 1976 (外国主权豁免法案)介绍

       Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of 1976外国主权豁免法案(以下简称“豁免法案”),规定了一个主权国家能不能在美国的联邦或者州法院被起诉,以及如何送达文书和执行判决等问题。

        虽然说美国还有Alien’s action for tort外国人侵权法,但是一旦涉及的主体是主权国家,豁免法案是该主体能不能在美国被起诉的管辖依据。如果不符合这法条规定的条件,美国法院将不接受对此类案件的管辖请求。

        最早在 The Schooner Exchange v. M'Faddon, 11 U.S. 116 (1812)案件中,美国最高法院是不支持PRIVATE PARTY起诉外国政府的。即使双方之间存在商业行为,即一国政府跟其他国个人发生商业往来,该个人不能在其美国起诉一国政府。后来相关理论不断发展,出现了 "restrictive" theory of immunity限制性豁免理论,最后逐渐形成了有条件的主权豁免管辖制度。

        在豁免法案中,列举了数种情况下外国政府是可以在美国被起诉的,涉疫集体诉讼就是运用了该法案中的两点:1.政府参与的商业行为2.一国政府在美国的侵权行为,这些情形在美国普通法判例中被总结为commerical activity 和 non-commercial activity (即因商业或非商业行为导致在美国的主体受到直接影响),且在豁免法案颁布之前的类似行为可以被追诉。

        法条原文: Commerical Activity: “§1605 (a) (2) in which the action is based upon a commercial activity carried on in the United States by the foreign state; or upon an act performed in the United States in connection with a commercial activity of the foreign state elsewhere; or upon an act outside the territory of the United States in connection with a commercial activity of the foreign state elsewhere and that act causes a direct effect in the United States;”

Non-commercial Activity: “§1605 (a) (5) not otherwise encompassed in paragraph (2) above, in which money damages are sought against a foreign state for personal injury or death, or damage to or loss of property, occurring in the United States and caused by the tortious act or omission of that foreign state or of any official or employee of that foreign state while acting within the scope of his office or employment ; except this paragraph shall not apply to— "(A) any claim based upon the exercise or performance or the failure to exercise or perform a discretionary function regardless of whether the discretion be abused, or "(B) any claim arising out of malicious prosecution, abuse of process, libel, slander, misrepresentation, deceit, or interference with contract rights. ”

          2.与涉疫集体诉讼有关Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of 1976(外国主权豁免法案)的两个法条的介绍


        在这份起诉书中,对方列举的关于豁免管辖权的法条依据有两项,分别是法案的§1605(a)(2)条关于commerical activity(商业活动)和 §1605(a)(5)条关于tortious acts or omissions(也就是non-commercial activity,大致意思是一国政府或机构的商业行为或者侵权行为导致美国内的主体遭受损失时,可作为例外要求该外国政府或机构赔偿)。

        2.1 关于Commercial activity(商业活动)



         商业行为的定义是§ 1603(d) 条“Either a regular course of commercial conduct or a particular commercial transaction or act. The commercial character of an activity shall be determined by reference to the nature of the course of conduct or particular transaction or act, rather than by reference to its purpose." (通常的商业行为或特定的商业交易或行为。一项活动的商业性质应根据其行为过程或特定交易与行为的性质来确定,而不应根据其目的来确定)从法条中很难看出含义,由于美国是判例法国家,对于该定义的具体解释需要在判例中去寻找。

        根据美国法院的相关判例,South Carolina v. United States, 199 U.S. 437, 461-463, 50 L. Ed. 261, 26 S. Ct. 110 (1905), New York v. United States, 326 U.S. 572, 579, 90 L. Ed. 326, 66 S. Ct. 310 (1946)未被推翻的观点认为:当一个外国政府不是作为市场的操纵者而是作为平等的私人主体参与交易时,也即这个政府行使了商业行为,就算这个商业行为背后的动机是为了国家利益,但只要这个商业行为类似私人之间的交易行为,    就也纳入这个起诉主体范畴。例如中国政府控制外汇交易属于主权国家的经济调控行为,不属于民事主体交易行为,因此,不能就该行为提起诉讼。但如果中国政府在美国签订合同购买民用飞机,那么就这个行为就可能在落入本法案的管辖范围。从这点来看,中国政府控制病毒的行为不太可能由私人做出,此行为不是私人交易行为。

        为了方便理解,以下是英文原文: “either a regular course of commercial conduct or a particular commercial transaction or act, and the commercial character of an activity is determined by reference to the nature of the course of conduct or particular transaction or act, rather than by reference to its purpose. 28 U.S.C.S. § 1603(d). The relevant question is not whether the foreign government is acting with a profit motive or instead with the aim of fulfilling uniquely sovereign objectives. Rather, the issue is whether the particular actions that the foreign state performs (whatever the motive behind them) are the type of actions by a which a private party engages in 'trade and traffic or commerce.”
        (2)商业行为造成的DIRECT EFFECT (直接影响)怎么判断:

        构成要件之二是这个商业行为要构成直接影响(direct effect)。

        关于“直接影响“,目前没有明确的定义,从判例中可以看出对于“直接影响”,美国法官采取保守解释的方法,不扩大解释以避免美国成为世界纠纷的避难所。“wary of applying this requirement too loosely such that our courts become a haven for airing the world's disputes”

        具体案例中原文如下:  “An effect is direct if it follows as an immediate consequence of the defendant's activity. The effect need not be foreseeable or substantial but jurisdiction may not be predicated on purely trivial effects in the United States. Congress did not intend to provide jurisdiction whenever the ripples caused by an overseas transaction manage eventually to reach the shores of the United States. Unlike some of its sister circuits, the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit has expressly rejected the requirement that a legally significant act take place in the United States in order to establish a direct effect. When considering whether an action caused a direct effect in the United States the court is cognizant of the presumption under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, 28 U.S.C.S. § 1602 et seq., that foreign sovereigns are immune, and wary of applying this requirement too loosely such that our courts become a haven for airing the world's disputes.”

“The Supreme Court held that Argentina's refusal to pay caused a direct effect in the United States. Id. at 618-19. "Because New York was thus the place of performance for Argentina's ultimate contractual obligations, the rescheduling of those obligations necessarily had a 'direct effect' in the  [**11] United States: Money that was supposed to have been delivered to a New York bank for deposit was not forthcoming." Id. at 619.”

        (注:我国有法律规定,如果外国企业未经审批机关批准和登记主管机关核准登记注册直接在国内进行商业活动是不受法律保护的,曾经有案列判决由此订立的合同无效。我国立法者可能研究过美国主权豁免法案,禁止外国人在国内违法生产经营,从而避免可能发生的国际案件。相关法律见《外国(地区)企业在中国境内从事生产经营活动登记管理办法》,具体条款:“根据国家有关法律、法规的规定,经国务院及国务院授权的主管机关批准,在中国境内从事生产经营活动的外国企业,应向省级工商行政管理部门申请登记注册。外国企业经登记主管机关核准登记注册,领取营业执照后,方可开展生产经营活动。未经审批机关批准和登记主管机关核准登记注册,外国企业不得在中国境内从事生产经营活动。”相关判例参见:加拿大彼岸国际咨询有限公司(CANADIAN BE-ONCONSULTANTS INC)、戴跃武与孙继霞服务合同纠纷二审民事判决(2017)京03民终13020号。法院认为,我国《外国(地区)企业在中国境内从事生产经营活动登记管理办法》第二条规定,未经审批机关批准和登记主管机关核准登记注册,外国企业不得在中国境内从事生产经营活动。本案中,彼岸公司未经我国审批机关批准和登记主管机关核准登记注册,不具备在中国从事经营活动的合法的主体资格,彼岸公司与孙继霞签订的《协议书》应属无效。)

        2.2关于Non Commercial activity(非商业活动)

        说起这个法条,就要谈到另一个相关的法案以及911事件,911事件导致了大量人员伤亡,为了救济这些人的权利,美国政府在2016年颁布了Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act(反恐怖支持法案)。该法案缩小了豁免法案中关于人身侵权方面的例外情形,即如果一个国家支持恐怖主义行为且导致了与美国有关的人员伤害,美国国内的主体可以在美国直接起诉这些支持恐怖主义的国家。从请求权基础的角度看,如果中国政府资助恐怖行为导致美国公民受伤或者死亡是构成主权豁免的例外。即,中国政府应该承担责任。但涉疫集体诉讼的原告没有引用反恐怖支持法案中的条款,而是引用了Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of 1976§1605 (a) (5) (文章开题有列举法条内容)。


        “Congress' primary purpose in enacting § 1605(a)(5) is to eliminate a foreign state's immunity for traffic accidents and other torts committed in the United States, for which liability is imposed under domestic tort law.”


        Room for policy judgment and decision即如果是一国主权自由裁量范围内的行为导致美国公民受损害(例如一国实行的国内政策导致在美国发生了侵权损害事实)一国可以获得豁免,即不能成为被告。


        根据 Persinger v. Islamic Republic of Iran, 234 U.S. App. D.C. 349, 729 F.2d 835, 842 (D.C. Cir. 1984)法案中的侵权行为及最后损害结果都必须发生在美国才能进入例外。如果相关侵权行为发生在美国之外,且损害结果也发生在美国之外,那么施加该侵权行为的国家不能成为美国法院管辖下的被告。所有的侵权或者损害都要同时发生在美国。例如在日本受到政府侵害后回美国,不能在美国将日本列为被告起诉;在非洲的美国领馆发生爆炸,导致美国公民收到伤害,也不落入法案管辖,用原话讲就是“requires at least one entire tort occurring within the United States”

        法官原文意见如下: “the rule that has emerged from the court decisions is that not only must the injury or damage occur here, the tortious act or omission must also occur here“

        以上分析的具体法条原文如下: §1605(a)(5)(B) specifically provides that the non-commercial tort exception does not apply to claims arising out of misrepresentation. Plaintiffs' complaint is for the unlawful seizure, detention, and possible death of Wallenberg, none of which occurred in the United States. One of two analyses therefore apply. First, the "misrepresentations" are a separate tort which cannot benefit from 1605(a)(5)'s exception  [*8]  to immunity. In the alternative, even if the distinction between separate torts is ignored and both the detention and misrepresentations are considered one tortious whole, Reclamantes nonetheless dictates that the entirety of the tort occur in the United States. Plaintiffs cannot meet this requirement. In either case, section 1605(a)(5) does not provide plaintiffs with an exception to sovereign immunity justifying the Court's exercise of jurisdiction.



        Jungquist v. Sheikh Sultan Bin Khalifa Al Nahyan, 115 F.3d 1020,在这个案例中原告起诉了阿布达比酋长国,案由是侵权和合同纠纷,因为他在阿布达比酋长国发生了沉船事故,而船公司属于阿布达比酋长国国有船公司,这个公司的行为可以代表国家的行为,因此他把阿布达比酋长国列为被告。由于船公司没有Offical capacity(官方权力),法院认为该船公司的行为不属于国家行为。但如果这个船公司行使的行为具有Offical capacity(官方权力)是可诉的。

        原文如下: “A "foreign state" includes "political subdivisions" and "agencies or instrumentalities" thereof. Individuals acting in their official capacities are considered agencies or instrumentalities of a foreign state; these same individuals, however, are not entitled to immunity under the FSIA for acts that are not committed in an official capacity.”



        根据Leutwyler v. Office of Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah案件:在起诉前,除非双方对于事实没有异议,法庭必须充分调查与管辖有关的庭前事实以确认其有权管辖该案。涉疫集体诉讼的依据是主权豁免条款,但是哪些是与管辖有关事实呢?“中国政府在处理冠状病毒的过程中是否存在侵权或者直接影响的商业行为”是不是属于与管辖有关且需要查明的事实呢?对于此美国法官的自由裁量权其实很大。

        判例原文: “Leutwyler v. Office of Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah: Generally, in entertaining a motion to dismiss, the district court must accept the allegations of the complaint as true, and construe all inferences in the plaintiff's favor. Where the motion to dismiss is based on a claim of foreign sovereign immunity, which provides protection from suit and not merely a defense to liability, however, the court must engage in sufficient pretrial factual and legal determinations to satisfy itself of its authority to hear the case before trial.”


        根据法案的1605 (a) (2)与1605 (a) (5)条以及判例,与管辖有关需要查明的事实有以下几种可能:

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