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    日期:2020-02-14     作者:姚约茜(国际投资业务研究委员会、北京德和衡(上海)律师事务所)

        《民法总则》第一百八十条规定: “因不可抗力不能履行民事义务的,不承担民事责任。法律另有规定的,依照其规定。不可抗力是指不能预见、不能避免且不能克服的客观情况。” 《合同法》第一百一十七条规定: “因不可抗力不能履行合同的,根据不可抗力的影响,部分或者全部免除责任,但法律另有规定的除外。当事人迟延履行后发生不可抗力的,不能免除责任。本法所称不可抗力,是指不能预见、不能避免并不能克服的客观情况。” 《合同法》第九十四条规定: “有下列情形之一的,当事人可以解除合同:(一)因不可抗力致使不能实现合同目的;……。”最高院也发过相关通知,阐明由于‘非典’疫情原因,按原合同履行对一方当事人的权益有重大影响的合同纠纷案件,可以根据具体情况,适用公平原则处理。因政府及有关部门为防治‘非典’疫情而采取行政措施直接导致合同不能履行,或者由于‘非典’疫情的影响致使合同当事人根本不能履行而引起的纠纷,按照《中华人民共和国合同法》第一百一十七条和第一百一十八条的规定妥善处理。
        简而言之, 不可抗力是指不能预见、不能避免且不能克服的客观情况,且不可抗力是免除民事责任的法定事由,也是当事人行使合同解除权的法定事由之一 。虽然对于何为“不能预见、不能避免且不能克服的客观情况”,法律及司法解释并没有进一步的明确规定,但可以清晰地看出,不可抗力事件须与不能履行合同义务之间存在直接的因果关系方可产生不可抗力的法律后果。
         很多时候,被视为boilerplate(模板条款)的Force Majeure(不可抗力)条款在合同文本的起草中往往被很多律师和相关从业者所忽视,其实该条款的起草大有讲究所在。特别是在跨境交易的情形之下,如果合同未对不可抗力进行具体的约定和描述,那么管辖法院或仲裁机构则会适用该合同准据法项下对于不可抗力的规定来进行处理。由于各国立法对于不可抗力情形的认定往往采取概括抽象的原则性规定,几乎未见有明确列举不可抗力事件的具体情形,那么在相关跨境合同中设置具体完善可操作的不可抗力条款显得尤为重要。比如,如何定义不可抗力,何为不可抗力的例外情形、发生不可抗力情形之后合同的后续安排及责任损失分担方式,合同对于不可抗力发生后的通知形式是否有特殊要求,包括通知时限、通知的形式(例如应以书面形式等)、通知对象,以及如何及时减少损失、何时终止合同等。
        If the Company is prevented or delayed (directly or indirectly) from making delivery of the Products or any part thereof on the agreed date of delivery or from otherwise performing this contract or any part thereof by reason of act(s) of God, war, embargo, riot(s), strike(s), lock-out(s), trade dispute(s), fire(s), break-down, inclement weather, interruption of transport, Government action, delay in delivery to the Company of any goods or materials or by any cause whatsoever (whether or not of like nature to those specified above) outside its control, the Company shall be under no liability whatsoever to the Distributor and shall be entitled at its option (to be notified in writing to the Distributor) either to cancel the contract or without any liability to extend the time or times for delivery or otherwise performing the contract or any part thereof by a period equivalent to that during which such delivery or performance has been prevented by any of the restrictions herein before referred to.    
        Notwithstanding the sub-clause above, if the Company is delayed from making delivery of the Products or any part thereof for a period of one hundred and eighty (180) days or more, then the Distributor shall have the right to cancel the contract in respect of such Products by notice in writing to the Company, provided however that the Distributor shall be under an obligation to pay the Company for Products delivered to the Distributor and to take delivery of, and pay the Company for, materials obtained by the Company for fulfilling an order from the Distributor and for any Products that have been completed before any notice of cancellation has been received by the Company.  
        如果由于自然灾害、战争、禁运、暴乱、罢工、停工、贸易纠纷、火灾、故障,公司(直接或间接)不能或延迟在约定的交付日期交付产品或其任何部分,或不能以其他方式履行本合同或其任何部分的规定, 恶劣天气、运输中断、政府行动、向公司交付任何货物或材料的延误或由于任何不受公司控制的原因(无论是否具有上文规定的类似性质)造成的延误,公司对经销商不承担任何责任,并有权自行选择(书面通知经销商)取消合同,或无任何责任将交付或以其他方式履行合同或其任何部分的时间延长,延长的时间相当于该交付或履行因本协议之前提及的任何限制而受阻的时间。
        Neither party shall be liable to the other to the extent that performance of its obligations (except for the payment of monies due hereunder) is hindered, delayed or prevented by Force Majeure provided that each party gives the other party prompt written notice of the occurrence of such Force Majeure and exerts good faith efforts to cure the breach. In the event of Force Majeure, the time for performance or cure will be extended for a period equal to the duration of the Force Majeure.   
        If the Force Majeure in question prevails for a continuous period in excess of six (6) months, parties shall enter into bona fide discussions with a view to alleviating its effects or to agreeing upon such alternative arrangements as may be fair and reasonable. If parties fail to reach a mutually acceptable arrangement within three (3) months, either party shall have the option to terminate this Agreement by giving fifteen (15) days notice in writing.  
        Neither Party shall be in breach of this Agreement or liable to the other for any delay or failure of compliance with its obligations due to any event which is beyond its reasonable control including, without limitation any, act of god, epidemic, strike, breakdown of machinery, delay in delivery of materials by other parties, fire, flood, hurricane, tornado, earthquake, war, act of terrorism, embargo, riot, or an unforeseeable intervention of any government authority provided that the Party suffering such event notifies the other Party of it as soon as reasonably practicable after it occurs and that any such event shall not relieve the Licensee from its obligations to pay any amounts due and owing to Company in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

        “Force Majeure Event” means a circumstance beyond a Party's reasonable control (and not involving any fault or negligence of the Party affected), including, without limitation, acts of God, war, strike, industrial action, catastrophes, or laws, regulations, acts or orders of any governmental agency or official thereof, communication line or utility failures, power failures.  Changes in business circumstances or business objectives shall not constitute a Force Majeure Event (in each case, whether or not relating to a Party’s workforce and whether or not beyond the reasonable control of the Party claiming Force Majeure);
        Neither the Franchisor nor the Franchisee will be responsible to the other for any failure or delay in performance of any obligation under this Agreement (except a payment obligation) solely and to the extent due to a Force Majeure Event.  Upon the occurrence of a Force Majeure Event, the affected Party shall give prompt notice to the other Party.
        In the event of the occurrence of any Force Majeure, the Parties shall use their reasonable endeavours to avoid or remove the inability to perform obligations under this Agreement.   In the event that the Force Majeure continues for a period of more than three (3) months from the date of occurrence and such effects of the Force Majeure cannot be reasonably removed, either Party may terminate this Agreement by giving not less than thirty (30) days’ written notice to the other Party.

        三、下一步,如何用好 不可抗力 条款

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