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加快建设现代化法律服务业 努力推动我国服务贸易发展――全国律协副会长王俊峰在法律服务论坛上做主旨发言

    日期:2011-06-02     作者:北京律协    阅读:4,589次


建设现代法律服务业  推动我国服务贸易发展

To Build up Modern Legal Services Industry and Promote the Development of China’s Trade in Services

    我国自2001年加入WTO以来 ,服务贸易成为受入世影响最深的经济领域之一。法律服务是服务贸易的重要组成部分。讲话分析了加入WTO对我国法律服务业所带来的机遇和挑战,提出了对中国律师行业发展与加快现代法律服务业建设的几点认识和建议,以期进一步加快我国法律服务业的改革和发展,使中国的法律服务在整个国际法律服务贸易中占有更重要的地位,使中国律师业在国内和国际市场上具有更强的竞争力。

    After China’s entry into WTO in 2001, the trade in services has become one of the most affected areas of the economy. Legal Services play an important role in the trade in services. The speaker is trying to explore the effect to the legal services market with China’s accession to the WTO, thoroughly analyze the opportunities and challenges brought by the openness of legal services in China. The speaker makes some suggestions that we should speed up reform and development of our legal services, and make China’s legal services enjoying an important position in the trade in international services, and make China’s lawyers becoming more competitive in the domestic and international market.


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